The protest by members of International Longshore &
Warehouse Union locals 10 and 91 was conducted between about 7:30 and 9:30 am
before an arbitrator ruled the demonstration was unlawful and ordered it to
But while the picket was in progress, it led to trucks being
blocked from delivering shipments, and some ships from being unloaded at berths
57-59, located along Middle Harbor Road.
The protest is related to a lease agreement approved July 5
by Oakland’s Board of Harbor Commissioners. Under the agreement, stevedoring
company SSA Marine can take over APL’s Global Gateway Central Terminal (GGCT)
at berths 60-63.
APL, the largest container carrier in Oakland, is moving its
operations in Oakland from GGCT to the adjacent Oakland International Container
Terminal (OICT) at berths 57-59. The OICT, which is already operated by SSA
Marine, is the busiest terminal in the port; about 15 carriers use the
The ILWU contends that the lease agreement will lead to
fewer jobs for its members. But despite that contention, ILWU Local 10 President
Mike Villeggiante said there are no current plans to resume protesting at a
later date.