By Mark Edward Nero
The annual Puget
Sound Maritime Achievement Award was presented this week at the
annual Seattle Maritime Festival luncheon held aboard the cruise ship Carnival
Miracle at the Port of Seattle's Pier 91 cruise terminal.
The award began in 1951 when the newly formed Puget Sound Maritime Press
Association decided to honor maritime leaders deserving special recognition.
Industry segments represented by past recipients include steamship lines and
agents, tug and barge operators, passenger vessel operators, port authorities,
stevedores, labor and government.
In the past, the
award has recognized either a long and distinguished career or a specific
achievement. This year's award went to Dr. Gary Stauffer, who not only led a
long and distinguished career, but has been instrumental in guiding young men
and women into maritime careers through his work with the Youth Maritime
Training Association.
The award was presented by Stauffer's longtime
friend and industry colleague, Ken Passe, who described some of Gary Stauffer's
career and accomplishments.
Gary Stauffer
attended the University of Washington where he earned a Master of Science
degree focused on the population of Chinook salmon in the Green/Duwamish Rivers
and, ultimately, his PhD on the development of a growth model for salmon in
He began his
permanent federal career in 1973 with National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS),
ultimately serving as the Director of the Resource Assessment and Conservation
Engineering (RACE) Division.
Passe pointed out
that in 2001, Stauffer was awarded the NOAA Administrator’s Award, for his role
in the development of new research policies. In 2005, he was awarded a
Department of Commerce Silver Medal for advancing Bering Sea research.
Stauffer retired in
2006 after 33 years, and was approached to assume the role of President of the
all-volunteer Youth Maritime Training Association in 2006 from retiring founder
Norm Manly. As YMTA President, Stauffer served on many maritime and education
boards including Ballard Maritime Academy Board and the Propeller Club. He worked
tirelessly, raising funds, reaching out to maritime education programs in the
area. In 2011, Stauffer was recognized by a local television station as a Kids
First Mentor because he spent a lot of
his time giving back to the community through working with youth in both the
Youth Maritime Training Association and Ballard High School Maritime Academy
and connecting youngsters with prospective employers in all areas of the
maritime industry.
The winner of the Seattle Propeller Club’s 2014 Public Official of the Year Award,
also presented at the maritime Luncheon, is Representative Rick Larsen of
Washington State’s 2nd Congressional District, encompassing the City of Everett
and Bellingham, Island and San Juan counties, and part of Snohomish, Whatcom,
and Skagit counties. This award recognizes the contributions and support of a
local, state, or federal policymaker or public official who has demonstrated an
understanding and appreciation for the regional maritime industry and those who
earn a salary or wage from it.
Rep. Larsen, who has served as the member of
Congress for Washington’s 2nd Congressional District for the past 13 years, was
recognized for his leadership on the House Armed Services and Transportation
& Infrastructure Committees in supporting key US-flag-maritime issues as
the Jones Act, Maritime Security Program, Title XI shipbuilding financing, and
fishing fleet recapitalization. Furthermore, Mr. Larsen is noted as a firm and
persistent voice in Congress for promoting trade initiatives that will help
assure cargo to our regional ports and government vessel construction and ship
placement for Puget Sound bases.
“During my time in Congress I have always
appreciated working with the maritime community, which is a critical component
of the economy and culture of the Northwest. I am honored to receive this
award. I look forward to continuing to make progress on issues like fleet
recapitalization and Arctic policy that will grow our maritime industry,” Rep. Larsen
Previous award winners include Senators Gorton and
Murray, Congressman Norm Dicks, Seattle Port Commissioners Pat Davis, Bill
Bryant, and Gael Tarleton, along with state senator Ed Murray –prior to
becoming Seattle’s current mayor.
The annual Maritime Festival Luncheon, attended by
several hundred participants, is sponsored by Vigor Marine and presented by the
Seattle Propeller Club and the Port of Seattle as part of the Seattle Maritime