Seventy-three Crowley Maritime Corp. vessels received Jones
F. Devlin Awards for their commitment to operational safety from the Chamber of
Shipping of America at the Annual Safety Awards Luncheon May 23, 2013 in New
Each year, the Chamber grants certificates to manned
merchant vessels that have operated for two or more years without incurring a
Lost Time Injury (LTI). By 2012, Crowley vessels had collectively logged more
than 400 years of safe operations by Devlin Award standards.
Crowley’s Valdez Star, the company’s longest
standing award winner, has operated for 22 years without an LTI.
“It’s very gratifying for our crews to be honored for their
safety accomplishments,” Crowley Vice President of Ship Management Mike Golonka
The Washington, DC-based Chamber represents 37 US-based
companies that own, operate or charter oceangoing tankers, container ships, and
other merchant vessels engaged in both the domestic and international trades
and other entities that maintain a commercial interest in the operation of such
oceangoing vessels.
This year’s Safety Awards Luncheon marks the 55th year the
Chamber has granted the Jones F. Devlin Awards.