To commemorate Earth Month, the Port of Long Beach on Monday released an interactive timeline that showcases major moments in its 2005 Green Port Policy.
The timeline shows milestones such as decreases in air emissions such as diesel particulates, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides and greenhouse gas emissions.
“We’ve shown that good jobs and economic development can thrive along with environmental sustainability,” said Long Beach Harbor Commission President Frank Colonna. “In the 15 years since the Green Port Policy was adopted, we’ve created pioneering voluntary programs, business agreements with our customers and partnerships with local, state and federal regulators that have cut air pollution from port-related sources dramatically.”
The Green Port Policy began in 2005 around the time Port Executive Director Mario Cordero was a Harbor Commissioner.
“The success we’ve had exceeds what anyone was talking about then, and we’re not going to stop now,” he said. “Our big goals now are to have zero emissions cargo handling by 2030 and converting the entire fleet of drayage trucks that work at our Port to zero emissions by 2035.”
The interactive can been seen on the port’s website at