By Karen Robes Meeks
US Army Corps of Engineers Commanding General Lt. Gen. Todd T. Semonite has signed the Chief of Engineers Report for the Seattle Harbor Navigation Improvement Project, making it eligible for congressional authorization.
The project seeks to deepen the East and West Waterways to 57 feet below mean lower low water to improve navigation in the harbor and make room for bigger container ships.
“Both waterways are currently authorized between 34 and 51 feet below mean lower low water and some of these shallower spots present navigational and safety challenges,” said Corps Project Manager Brian Nelson. “Authorizing deepening the channels removes these challenges and ensures the port can accommodate future generations of container ships.”
Port of Seattle Commission President and Northwest Seaport Alliance Managing Member Courtney Gregoire thanked the Army Corps of Engineers.
“This is another step forward to making T-5 big ship ready, and able to handle the largest cargo vessels in the world,” Gregoire said.