International shipping company Mitsui OSK Lines on Oct. 1
announced the merger of two subsidiaries, maritime consulting firm MOL Marine
Consulting, Ltd. and ship management company MOL Cable Ship Ltd., effective
The new company, called MOL Marine Co. Ltd., will be based
in Tokyo and is expected to continue to develop the businesses established by
its two predecessors. According to MOL, the merger will integrate both
companies’ expertise in marine technology and ship management.
Mitsui OSK, which is headquartered in Japan, now has more
than a dozen subsidiaries, including the International Container Terminal in
Tokyo, Trans Pacific Container Service (TraPac), which operates terminals at
the Los Angeles and Oakland ports; and International Marine Transport Co.,
which manages seafarers.
At the same time it announced the merger, the company revealed
improvements to one of its two bridge simulators. The simulator was upgraded
with an enlarged screen that replicates the field of vision from the bridge as
well as the addition of a Dynamic Positioning System (DPS).
MOL says the upgraded simulator, which mimics a vessel
equipped with DPS, can simulate any situation and provide practical training in
that situation.