On Sept. 29, the US Army Corps of Engineers and Port of Seattle signed
an agreement that moves forward a $3 million cost-shared feasibility study to
investigate potential port deepening alternatives.
“The Port of Seattle greatly appreciates the Corps of
Engineers in starting this study,” port CEO Tay Yoshitani said. “This is
another step in keeping the Pacific Northwest a competitive trade gateway, and
keeping thousands of local jobs here.”
In March 2012, a preliminary Corps report found federal
interest in potentially deepening Seattle Harbor’s East and West Waterways. The
feasibility study, which was signed by Seattle District Commander Col. John
Buck and Port of Seattle Chief Executive Officer Tay Yoshitani, is expected to
determine if there’s an economically-justifiable alternative.
The Corps and port are to split the cost equally and the
study should be complete in three years. When complete, the feasibility report is
to include a net benefit analysis and the required National Environmental
Policy Act documentation will disclose any environmental effects of deepening
the existing channel.
Currently authorized waterway depths are between -34 and -51
feet mean lower low water; the study will investigate to depths of -55 feet
MLLW, taking into consideration economics, cost, risk, environmental aspects,
cultural resources, fish habitat, endangered species, geotechnical, coastal
engineering and cost engineering.