By Mark Edward Nero
The Port of Everett Commission has awarded a $6.143 million contract to general contractor Magnus Pacific to complete the final phase of the port’s Everett Shipyard cleanup, and kick-off the first phase of its marina revitalization efforts, known as the Central Dock Improvements.
The port announced the contract June 26.
The cleanup efforts are expected to restore the environmental health of the former shipyard site, while allowing the port to take steps toward improving the economic vitality of the Central Marina in preparation for a broader revitalization project called Waterfront Place. The site’s expected to be ready for development once the cleanup is complete.
The project, located along West Marine View Drive between 14th and 15th Streets, is expected to begin in August and finish up in April 2015. The cleanup requires removing and replacing aging marine infrastructure as needed to access and remove contaminated materials. Specifically, the work includes:
Dredging about 11,000 cubic yards of sediment from the marina; excavating about 3,500 cubic yards of contaminated soil along the shoreline; removing five marina docks; removing the 14th Street haul-out structure; removing hundreds of creosote treated wood piling; reconstructing about 360 linear feet of bulkhead; removing and replacing a City of Everett sewer outfall line; and building a temporary public access path along the reconstructed bulkhead.
The port is working in partnership with the Washington State Department of Ecology on the cleanup as a part of the state’s Puget Sound Initiative. The project is funded by the Port of Everett as well as an ecology remedial action grant funded by a voter-approved tax on hazardous substances and settlement funds from Everett Shipyard.
The cleanup site, known as Fisherman’s Harbor, is at the front of the Waterfront Place Central development project. The area is expected to be a year-round hub of activity that includes commercial fishing, recreational boating, shopping and dining.