By Mark Edward Nero
Shipping group CMA CGM partnered with Coast Guard Sector San
Francisco and other local industry partners recently to test the Bay Area’s capability
to tow ultra-large container vessels.
During a May 22 exercise, the CMA CGM vessel Centaurus,
an 11,400 TEU containership measuring about 1,200 feet was used to test the capability
of existing tug assets within San Francisco Bay to connect to and tow an ultra-large
container vessel.
The demonstration was intended as a learning experience to enhance
preparedness for emergency towing operations either in the San Francisco Bay or
in the approaches to San Francisco.
This exercise marked the first such attempt in the United States,
according to the Coast Guard. Among the participants were AmNav Maritime, Foss Maritime
and Harley Marine Services.
“This is a prime example of the forward-leaning posture of the
San Francisco Bay Area Harbor Safety Committee and a testament to the commitment
of our maritime community to safety and environmental protection,” Capt. Gregory
Stump, commander of Sector San Francisco and captain of the Port of San Francisco
“There will be many important lessons learned from this exercise,”
Coast Guard Cmdr. Jason Tama with the 11th Coast Guard District prevention division
predicted. “It was a great example of the Coast Guard, Harbor Safety Committee,
and maritime industry working together to ensure we are ready to respond to an incident
involving an ultra large container vessel.”