Tuesday, March 26, 2013

LA, Long Beach Ports Seek Clean Air Award Nominees

Nominations are now open for the sixth annual San Pedro Bay Ports Clean Air Action Plan (CAAP) Air Quality Awards, where the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach recognize the air pollution-fighting efforts of port-related businesses in the area.

Nominations will be accepted for port tenants operating at either port as well as other operators serving the ports – such as shipping lines, trucking companies and rail operators – who demonstrated a strong commitment to reducing air pollution in 2012.

Only port tenants and other operators that serve one or both of the local ports are eligible for the program; technology vendors are not eligible. Self-nominations, however, are accepted.

The deadline for CAAP Award nominations is 4 pm Fri., April 26, 2013. Nominations can be completed and submitted online at www.cleanairactionplan.org/about/caapnomination.asp.

Awards are scheduled to be offered in four categories: Air Quality Improvement Leadership at the Corporate Level; Innovative Air Quality Improvement Technologies; Innovative Operations that Improve Air Quality; and Significant Early Action to Reduce Air Pollutant Emissions.

Award recipients are to be honored at a July 18 award ceremony.

More information on the awards program and the categories can be found at cleanairactionplan.org/about/awards.asp.