Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Port of Portland Finalizing Transportation Improvement Plan

The Port of Portland Commission on Jan. 9 is expected to conduct a public hearing to unveil its latest draft plan for improving transportation in and around the port area.

The Port Transportation Improvement Plan, or PTIP, identifies, outlines and prioritizes five, 10 and 20-year transportation improvement projects in the marine, air, road, rail, transit, bicycle, and pedestrian areas. More than 100 projects were identified through transportation studies from property development, master plans, and region-wide mobility needs studies conducted by the port and other local, regional and state agencies.

Key projects outlined in the plan include: I-205 north bound access from Airport Way, Troutdale interchange improvements at I-84 and 257th, the Columbia River Crossing, Troutdale Reynolds Industrial Park road improvements and improvements to Columbia Boulevard.

Policy and funding priorities identified in the PTIP include future Connect Oregon funding, the Federal Transportation Reauthorization bill and increased allocation to regional freight needs.

The transportation plan, which is updated annually, requires approval by the Port of Portland Commission. In the past four years, it has assisted in generating more than $105 million in local, state and federal grants and loans for the port and other agencies, according to the port.

After the public hearing, the plan is expected to be revised if necessary and submitted for final commission approval in February. Once approved, it is then given to the Oregon Department of Transportation for inclusion in the Regional Transportation Plan. Projects will then be considered for outside funding through the Federal, State and Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Plan processes.

The full 89-page draft plan can be reviewed on the port’s website.