The Port of Seattle Commission has announced the outlines of the process and the timing for identifying and appointing a successor to fill the vacancy on the Commission that will be created when Commissioner Gael Tarleton resigns from the Commission Jan. 31, 2013.
Tarleton is resigning because on Nov. 6 she was elected to represent the 36th legislative district in the Washington State House of Representatives.
Under state law, the Commission will have 90 days to appoint a successor, with the decision made by majority vote at a Commission meeting. Tarleton’s successor will serve until the November 2013 general election when a candidate will be publicly elected to complete her term, which expires Dec. 31, 2015.
The process and proposed schedule announced by the Commission includes a Jan. 10, 2013 issuance of a notice of the vacancy. From this date, applicants will have 15 business days, excluding holidays, to submit their application materials to the Commission.
A town hall-style meeting at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport for interested individuals to ask questions about the appointment process will then be held Jan. 22, followed by a Feb. 1 deadline for applications, which then launches a 90-day window for a successor to be appointed.
“The Commission will alter the schedule if necessary to ensure we have a robust process,” Port of Seattle Commission President Tom Albro said, “but we believe our schedule allows opportunities for public comment and a thoughtful review of interested candidates.”
More information on the selection process is available as a PDF on the port’s website, and application materials can also be found on the site.