The Port of Los Angeles and US Army Corps of Engineers on Dec. 16 released a draft environmental impact study regarding potential expansion of the port’s second-largest container terminal.
The proposed project at Pier 300’s APL container terminal would involve renovation and expansion of the current 291-acre facility to 347 acres. It calls for the development of 1,250 feet of new wharf and 41 acres of backland at berths 302-306. Among the proposed features are 12 new cranes and shore-side electrical power facilities.
The draft report assesses the proposed improvements and projected container throughput under the current lease term with APL that expires in 2027, as well as the environmental impacts and identifies mitigation measures that meet state and federal regulations.
The public review period for the document is from Dec. 16, 2011 to Feb. 17, 2012. During this time the port accepts written comments and will conduct a public meeting at 6 pm Jan. 19 at the Port of Los Angeles Administration Building to present its findings.
After the public review period, a final version of the environmental report that includes the additional comments from the various agencies and individuals is prepared, and then the document is submitted to state and federal agencies for review and a final decision on whether or not to approve the recommendations within.