Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Winter Work Term Wanted

Students of Webb institute are starting to plan where they will spend their Winter Work term. The freshmen will be heading out to shipyards, the sophomores will spend their time onboard ships, and the juniors and seniors will look for work in engineering offices in the United States and abroad.

If your company has internships for January and February, please contact Josie Wilson by email at or by telephone 516-671-2213 Ext. 108 and she will get the word out to the students. Josie will be contacting shipyards and shipping companies in the next few weeks for the freshmen and sophomores. If you are working in a yard that you believe will have a very interesting experience to introduce to the freshmen, please contact Josie. Webb is also always on the lookout for new seafaring adventures for its students and welcomes any berths aboard ships that will fulfill the sophomore sea term requirements. -PMM Staff