When the city of Anacortes was not going to have enough chlorine for treating its regional water system, employees from Lynden Logistics, LTI, Inc. and Alaska Marine Lines recently teamed up to bring it to the city, Lynden revealed Aug. 3.
Lynden Logistics, which has corporate offices in Anchorage and Seattle, traveled from Houston with 21 totes of chlorine, while transport and logistics company LTI brought two loads from California, thanks to Alaska Marine Lines' fiberglass-lined ISO tanks.
“It's a great feeling to know that our assistance averted what could have been a very serious situation for the community drinking water supply,” said Lynden Logistics Logistics Manager Becky MacDonald. “It was a great team effort by all three companies with assistance from Lynden Safety Director Jim Maltby on the bulk loads, Al Hartgraves, Anthony Knapp and the LTI, Inc. crew providing the drivers and quick response, and Alaska Marine Lines providing the tanks.”
Anacortes Mayor Laurie Gere said the city is extremely thankful to Lynden for helping Marathon Refineries with the shortage of sodium hypochlorite.
“This is an amazing community, and the protection of the safe drinking water for our region was a priority for all,” she said. “The city has much appreciation and gratitude for the rapid and generous response.”