U.S. West Coast ports moved 37.7% of imports in May, a slight drop from 38.1% in May 2020 and 38.6% from May 2019, according to new numbers released by the Pacific Merchant Shipping Association.
The five largest West Coast ports - those in Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Oakland, Seattle and Tacoma - moved most of those imports - about 36.2% - in May, a slight decrease from 36.6% in May 2020 and 37.2% in May 2019.
All USWC seaports processed 29% of U.S. exports in May, dipping from 29.6% in May 2020 and 34.6% in May 2019.
The five major U.S. West Coast ports moved 59.4% of all containerized import tonnage originating from Asia in May, which was up from May 2020 when the Big Five handled 55% of imports and from May 2019 when they handled 57.4% of imports.
Collectively, U.S. West Coast ports moved 60.2% of imports and 53.7% of exports headed to Asia.
“While the Big Five clearly dominate USWC containerized trade with the Far East, their shares are slipping ever so slightly,” according to PMSA.
The five major USWC seaports saw 98.6% of imports and 97.6% of exports in May, down from 98.8% of import shares and 99% of export shares in May 2019.