Friday, July 30, 2021

Port of Bellingham to Halt Point Roberts Emergency Ferry Service

As the Canadian Government announces plans to reopen the US/Canada border to non-essential travel, Port of Bellingham, Wash.

officials have decided that Aug. 12 will be the last day the port will offer its emergency ferry service to Point Roberts.

The port has been offering the service for free for nearly a year to help Point Roberts residents get access to vital goods and services while the border has been closed to limit the spread of COVID-19. While Point Roberts is part of Whatcom County, the area is geographically set apart from the U.S. by two border land crossings.

“We anticipate the border opening will relieve stress on this community but are here to help if something changes,” said Port Commission President Ken Bell.

The Aug. 5 and Aug. 9 emergency sailings to Point Roberts will be limited to 30 people, so reservations should be made in advance at

Face masks must be worn on the ferry. More information is available at