The public is being invited to weigh in on the Oregon Department of Transportation’s request to build a temporary work bridge across the Umpqua River near Scottsburg, Oregon.
The transportation agency, which recently filed the request with the U.S. Coast Guard’s Thirteenth Coast Guard District, wants to construct the temporary span west of the new Scottsburg Bridge.
“ODOT’s construction contractor has determined that the new bridge’s construction can be completed with increased safety and under a shorter schedule by using a temporary work bridge,” according to the USCG.
The temporary 900-foot-long, 40-foot-wide span, to be made up of a middle fixed section linking two working piers, will be removed when the old highway bridge is gone.
Those wanting to comment should do so by April 10. They may reach out to Commander Thirteenth Coast Guard District, Attn: District Bridge Manager Steven Fischer at 206-220-7282, by email at, or by letter at 915 Second Avenue, Suite 3510, Seattle, WA. 98174-1067.
More on the project is available at