Friday, January 29, 2021

Mariners Sought for Mental Health Survey

The U.S. Committee on the Marine Transportation System COVID-19 Working Group is seeking mariners to anonymously weigh in on a 10-minute survey called “Mariner Mental Health Needs during Covid-19.”

The survey – which can be found at and is available until May 31 – asks U.S. mariners about COVID-19, mental health and how they feel being on a vessel amid the pandemic. No identifying information will be collected. Results will be used to create solutions that will improve the mental well-being of mariners.

“Survey participation from a significant portion of the mariners in each industry segment is critical to understanding how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected their mental health,” the organization said.

Dr. Marissa Baker, Assistant Professor & Industrial Hygiene Program Director, University of Washington School of Public Health, is conducting the independent survey.

For questions about the survey, reach out to Baker at, and Nuns Jain, Staff Lead, C-19 WG, at