By Karen Robes Meeks
This week, the US Coast Guard Sector Juneau conducted an oil spill response exercise on the water in Hawk Inlet and at the University of Alaska Southeast Student Recreation Center.
The exercise brought together folks from the Coast Guard, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Oldendorff Carriers, Hecla Greens Creek Mine and Southeast Alaska Petroleum Response Organization to deal with an imagery pollution scenario involving a vessel collision near Hawk Inlet on Admiralty Island.
“This exercise will allow us to practice for a potential pollution event within Southeast Alaska waters and improve upon our response strategies,” said Kathy Hamblett, senior exercise controller for Coast Guard Sector Juneau. “The timing of this exercise, only two weeks after the 30th anniversary of the Exxon Valdez spill, provides excellent perspective for the importance of preparedness.”