By Karen Robes Meeks
In a move to further environmental efforts at the Port of Seattle, commissioners voted recently to establish a 2018 Energy and Sustainability Committee and identify its environmental priorities to curb greenhouse gas emissions and find more innovative and collaborative ways to protect nearby communities’ air and water quality.
In its plan, the committee, co-chaired by Commissioners Fred Felleman and Ryan Calkins, outlined four priorities: furthering the use of Sustainable Aviation Fuels, starting an aquatic carbon sequestration, “Blue Carbon,” strategy, developing a Sustainable Evaluation Framework for project reviews and updating the port’s environmental awards.
“The Port is making good on its promises to protect the environment both locally and globally. It’s our commitment to improve both the health and wealth of our communities,” Felleman said. “We appreciate the work of the many agency, industry, community and environmental advisors who provided invaluable assistance in developing our goals.”