By Karen Robes Meeks
Earlier this month, the Port of Hueneme, California, unveiled two new publicly-accessible electric vehicle charging stations, each able to fully charge two vehicles at once in less than five hours.
“These new stations are evidence of the Port’s ever-growing efforts to be responsible stewards of the environment and good neighbors,” said Board President Mary Anne Rooney. “We hope that not only port customers and employees will utilize them, but that residents of the surrounding community will take advantage of these state-of-the-art charging stations as well.”
The new stations, located at 333 Pomona Street and 105 E. Port Hueneme Road, were in part funded through an Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Program grant from the Ventura County Air Pollution Control District (VCAPCD).
“We are grateful to the VCAPCD team who awarded the grant to fund this project and look forward to continuing to make meaningful improvements that build upon existing projects like shoreside power, battery power storage, and zero/near zero emission vehicles on port,” said port CEO and Director Kristin Decas.