By Mark Edward Nero
The Federal Maritime Commission has released a report analyzing the causes of congestion at seaports across the US.
The 83-page staff report, entitled “US Container Port Congestion & Related International Supply Chain Issues: Causes, Consequences & Challenges,” addresses current and anticipated future challenges caused by congestion at US port gateways and comments on the causes and effects of congestion with the objective of facilitating further discussion on potential solutions.
It organizes and develops stakeholder discussion around six major themes that emerged at the 2014 FMC Port Forums held at major gateway ports: investment and planning; chassis availability and related issues; vessel and terminal operations; port drayage and truck turn-time; extended gate hours, PierPASS and congestion pricing; and collaboration and communication.
The forums were an opportunity for industry stakeholders to gather around the country to share their views on the causes, consequences and challenges surrounding congestion at ports and other parts of the intermodal system, as well as share ideas for possible solutions.
“International trade relies on our nation’s ports, therefore port congestion is a paramount question at the international supply chain level, and is not a solely domestic concern,” FMC Chair Mario Cordero said in a statement confirming the release of the report. “Infrastructure investment is at the core of the discussion, however other factors must be addressed in the near term to ensure an efficient and reliable international ocean transportation system and the relevant supply chain.”
The full report can be read and/or downloaded at