Port Metro Vancouver on Sept. 9 unveiled two new patrol
vessels, as well as other operations and security assets, expected to help
maintain the safe, secure, efficient and reliable movement of marine traffic
and cargo within Port Metro Vancouver’s jurisdiction.
The vessels, built by Campbell River’s Daigle Welding &
Marine, are to provide marine surveillance, early incident detection and
activity tracking. The new “response class” vessels specialize in fast
response, and are equipped for rapid situational assessment. They each have
1,000 horsepower supplied by twin Volvo D9-500 diesel engines with ZF 265 IV
Both vessels have an overall length of about 43 feet and
weigh about 15 tons.
The latest additions complement Port Metro Vancouver’s
operations center, which uses a variety of security and situational awareness
technologies such as live camera feeds, controlled access gates and GPS
tracking on all port-authorized container trucks.
“We are bolstering our presence on land and water,” Peter
Xotta, Vice President of Operations and Planning at Port Metro Vancouver, said.
“This helps ensure our operations and security teams are equipped with the most
appropriate tools.”
Port Metro Vancouver, working with first responders, the local
community and port stakeholders, including municipalities, regional emergency
response organizations, police forces and federal agencies, maintains
situational awareness and has a coordinating role within its jurisdiction of about
400 miles of shoreline. Responsibilities include marine patrols, ship
inspections, permitting of operational activities and the development of marine
safety rules and procedures.