The Port of Long Beach has scheduled two workshops to update the public on the status of multiple major construction projects and how the port is managing the projects’ traffic impacts.
Interested parties can drop by any time between 7 and 9 am or 5 and 7 pm Aug 28 for updates on the Gerald Desmond Bridge Replacement Project, Schuyler Heim Bridge Replacement Project, Middle Harbor Redevelopment Project, Anaheim Street repaving and port-wide traffic management.
The $1 billion Desmond Bridge project consists of replacement of the obsolete structure with a new state-of-the-art span. The new bridge, which is expected to be complete in 2016, is being built immediately adjacent to and north of the existing 45-year-old Gerald Desmond Bridge.
The Schuyler Heim Bridge Replacement, which is still in the planning stages, would replace the seismically deficient Schuyler Heim Bridge over Cerritos Channel and add a four-lane elevated roadway connection to Alameda Street that would provide an alternative route from Terminal Island and provide direct access to local distribution centers and warehousing facilities and local freeways.
The Middle Harbor redevelopment is a nine-year, $1.2 billion project to upgrade wharfs, water access and storage areas, plus add a greatly expanded on-dock rail yard in order to create a super-terminal.
Both workshops are scheduled for Wed., Aug 28 in the Luna Solstice Room of the Hotel Maya, located near the port’s headquarters building. The Hotel Maya is located at 700 Queensway Drive, Long Beach, CA 90802.