Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Port of Hueneme Names New COO

Port of Hueneme Names New COO

U.S. Navy officer John Demers has been named the new chief operations officer at the Port of Hueneme. He replaces Pete Wallace, who’s retiring after 21 years with the port.

Demers, who is retiring from the Navy, begins his new role with the port Tuesday July 23, 2013.

“John comes to us with a strong background in operations and logistics in his over 20 years of service with the United States Navy,” Port of Hueneme CEO Kristin Decas said. “During his military tenure he held senior level officer positions directing diverse cargo handling operations, construction projects, IT activities, training, administration and overall logistics.”

Demers completed two tours of duty at Naval Base Ventura County, first with Naval Mobile Construction Battalion Three and later with the Fifth Navy Expeditionary Logistics Regiment.  He currently serves as Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff at the U.S. Fifth Fleet.

“I am looking forward to returning to the community that I have considered my home for the last 12 years,” Demers said in a statement released by the port. “I am honored by my selection as the Chief Operating Officer, and will bring all my experience and knowledge gained during the more than 20 years of Naval service to help move forward new ideas for the port and the cities of Oxnard and Port Hueneme.”