Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Port of Hueneme COO Application Deadline Nears

May 22 is the deadline to apply for the open Chief Operating Officer position within the Oxnard Harbor District, which owns and operates Port of Hueneme.

The Chief Operations Officer oversees the Harbor District’s Maritime Operations Division and is responsible for managing the day to day activities of the maritime interests of the District and providing feed back to the CEO and Port Director regarding operations and management of the marine terminal systems, operations and facilities.

The COO’s responsibilities also include management of the marine terminal operations, services and contracts for the accommodation and promotion of commerce, navigation, or fishery in the Harbor District. The COO’s focus is on strategic, tactical, and short-term operations management. The person chosen for the position will be responsible for the design, operation, and improvement of the marine terminal systems and facilities that support the Harbor District’s maritime customers and users.

The annual salary range is between roughly $106,700 and $169,000. Applicants must submit a cover letter and resume and provide five references. Applications can be dropped off in person or sent via email, fax or the US Postal Service.

More information on the position and how to apply can be found on the port’s website at http://www.portofhueneme.org/connect_with_us/employment_opportunities.php.