The Port of Long Beach has extended the public review period on a draft environmental study of Pier S, a proposal to develop a state-of-the-art, $650 million container shipping facility on Terminal Island. The Port will accept written comments until December 2, 2011, providing additional time for groups, individuals and agencies to submit comments on the document. The original deadline was November 15, 2011.
The proposed Pier S shipping terminal development on a vacant 160-acre parcel would utilize the latest technology and practices for reducing air pollution from cargo operations. The new facility would generate and sustain up to 40,000 new permanent jobs in the region, as well as thousands of temporary construction jobs.
The Port released the draft environmental impact statement (DEIS) and supplemental environmental impact report (SEIR) on September 16, analyzing the impacts of the proposed development, and the mitigation measures that would be used to address those impacts.
More information on the project, including electronic versions of the environmental reports, can be found at
The environmental documents are available for review at:
Written comments can be submitted to Richard D. Cameron, Director of Environmental Planning, 925 Harbor Plaza, Long Beach, 90802; or