The Department of Homeland Security announced Thursday that the nation's northern border ports of entry are now set up to scan 100 percent of commercial truck traffic for radioactive cargo.
DHS said that the drive-through radiation portal monitors, which can also be used on automobiles, are now in place and operational at all northern border ports of entry.
The federal agency currently scans 100 percent of commercial traffic entering the US through southern border ports of entry and 98 percent of all cargo containers offloaded at US ports.
The main goal of the monitors is detect nuclear material or a completed nuclear or radiological weapon before it enters the US.
DHS said that the drive-through radiation portal monitors, which can also be used on automobiles, are now in place and operational at all northern border ports of entry.
The federal agency currently scans 100 percent of commercial traffic entering the US through southern border ports of entry and 98 percent of all cargo containers offloaded at US ports.
The main goal of the monitors is detect nuclear material or a completed nuclear or radiological weapon before it enters the US.